
class zvt.trader.sim_account.AccountDayStatsSchema(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: marshmallow_sqlalchemy.schema.sqlalchemy_schema.SQLAlchemyAutoSchema

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class Meta

Bases: object


alias of zvt.domain.trader_info.AccountStats


alias of marshmallow_sqlalchemy.schema.sqlalchemy_schema.SQLAlchemyAutoSchemaOpts

dump(obj: Any, *, many: Optional[bool] = None)

Serialize an object to native Python data types according to this Schema’s fields.

  • obj – The object to serialize.

  • many – Whether to serialize obj as a collection. If None, the value for self.many is used.


A dict of serialized data

Return type


New in version 1.0.0.

Changed in version 3.0.0b7: This method returns the serialized data rather than a (data, errors) duple. A ValidationError is raised if obj is invalid.

Changed in version 3.0.0rc9: Validation no longer occurs upon serialization.

dumps(obj: Any, *args, many: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs)

Same as dump(), except return a JSON-encoded string.

  • obj – The object to serialize.

  • many – Whether to serialize obj as a collection. If None, the value for self.many is used.


A json string

Return type


New in version 1.0.0.

Changed in version 3.0.0b7: This method returns the serialized data rather than a (data, errors) duple. A ValidationError is raised if obj is invalid.

classmethod from_dict(fields: Dict[str, Union[marshmallow.fields.Field, type]], *, name: str = 'GeneratedSchema') type

Generate a Schema class given a dictionary of fields.

from marshmallow import Schema, fields

PersonSchema = Schema.from_dict({"name": fields.Str()})
print(PersonSchema().load({"name": "David"}))  # => {'name': 'David'}

Generated schemas are not added to the class registry and therefore cannot be referred to by name in Nested fields.

  • fields (dict) – Dictionary mapping field names to field instances.

  • name (str) – Optional name for the class, which will appear in the repr for the class.

New in version 3.0.0.

get_attribute(obj: Any, attr: str, default: Any)

Defines how to pull values from an object to serialize.

New in version 2.0.0.

Changed in version 3.0.0a1: Changed position of obj and attr.


Retrieve an existing record by primary key(s). If the schema instance is transient, return None.


data – Serialized data to inform lookup.

handle_error(error: marshmallow.exceptions.ValidationError, data: Any, *, many: bool, **kwargs)

Custom error handler function for the schema.

  • error – The ValidationError raised during (de)serialization.

  • data – The original input data.

  • many – Value of many on dump or load.

  • partial – Value of partial on load.

New in version 2.0.0.

Changed in version 3.0.0rc9: Receives many and partial (on deserialization) as keyword arguments.

load(data, *, session=None, instance=None, transient=False, **kwargs)

Deserialize data to internal representation.

  • session – Optional SQLAlchemy session.

  • instance – Optional existing instance to modify.

  • transient – Optional switch to allow transient instantiation.

loads(json_data: str, *, many: Optional[bool] = None, partial: Optional[Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]]] = None, unknown: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)

Same as load(), except it takes a JSON string as input.

  • json_data – A JSON string of the data to deserialize.

  • many – Whether to deserialize obj as a collection. If None, the value for self.many is used.

  • partial – Whether to ignore missing fields and not require any fields declared. Propagates down to Nested fields as well. If its value is an iterable, only missing fields listed in that iterable will be ignored. Use dot delimiters to specify nested fields.

  • unknown – Whether to exclude, include, or raise an error for unknown fields in the data. Use EXCLUDE, INCLUDE or RAISE. If None, the value for self.unknown is used.


Deserialized data

New in version 1.0.0.

Changed in version 3.0.0b7: This method returns the deserialized data rather than a (data, errors) duple. A ValidationError is raised if invalid data are passed.

make_instance(data, **kwargs)

Deserialize data to an instance of the model if self.load_instance is True. Update an existing row if specified in self.instance or loaded by primary key(s) in the data; else create a new row.


data – Data to deserialize.

on_bind_field(field_name: str, field_obj: marshmallow.fields.Field) None

Hook to modify a field when it is bound to the Schema.

No-op by default.

validate(data, *, session=None, **kwargs)

Validate data against the schema, returning a dictionary of validation errors.

  • data – The data to validate.

  • many – Whether to validate data as a collection. If None, the value for self.many is used.

  • partial – Whether to ignore missing fields and not require any fields declared. Propagates down to Nested fields as well. If its value is an iterable, only missing fields listed in that iterable will be ignored. Use dot delimiters to specify nested fields.


A dictionary of validation errors.

New in version 1.1.0.

fields: Dict[str, ma_fields.Field]

Dictionary mapping field_names -> Field objects