Adding new entity

It’s human nature to like the new and hate the old. Adding new TradableEntity is easy in zvt.

Adding new entity is nothing than a specific case of Adding data. Let’s show the key steps below which add Future.

Define entity Schema

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

from zvt.contract.register import register_schema, register_entity
from zvt.contract.schema import TradableEntity

FutureMetaBase = declarative_base()

class Future(FutureMetaBase, TradableEntity):
    __tablename__ = "future"

register_schema(providers=["em"], db_name="future_meta", schema_base=FutureMetaBase)

Implement recorder for the entity

from zvt.contract.api import df_to_db
from zvt.contract.recorder import Recorder
from zvt.domain import Future
from zvt.recorders.em import em_api

class EMFutureRecorder(Recorder):
    provider = "em"
    data_schema = Future

    def run(self):
        df = em_api.get_tradable_list(entity_type="future")
        df_to_db(df=df, data_schema=self.data_schema, provider=self.provider, force_update=self.force_update)

Define OHLC schema(kdata) for the entity

zvt provide a standard way to generate OHLC schema for the tradable entity. All OHLC schemas is generated by fill project script.

e.g generate Future OHLC schema.


The OHLC schema definition principle is: one level one file

So we would define a common OHLC schema for each entity type in quotes module.

e.g. Future common OHLC schema

class FutureKdataCommon(KdataCommon):
    #: 持仓量
    interest = Column(Float)
    #: 结算价
    settlement = Column(Float)
    #: 涨跌幅(按收盘价)
    # change_pct = Column(Float)
    #: 涨跌幅(按结算价)
    change_pct1 = Column(Float)

And we could relate the common kdata schema with the recorder and route level to specific schema automatically.

Implement recorder for OHLC schema(kdata)

Check em quotes recorder for the details.

class EMFutureKdataRecorder(BaseEMStockKdataRecorder):
entity_provider = "em"
entity_schema = Future

data_schema = FutureKdataCommon

Use them in zvt way

Fetch the entity list:

>>> from zvt.domain import Future
>>> Future.record_data()
>>> df = Future.query_data()
>>> print(df)

                 id        entity_id  timestamp entity_type exchange code    name  list_date end_date
0   future_cffex_IC  future_cffex_IC        NaT      future    cffex   IC  中证当月连续        NaT     None
1   future_cffex_IF  future_cffex_IF        NaT      future    cffex   IF  沪深当月连续        NaT     None
2   future_cffex_IH  future_cffex_IH        NaT      future    cffex   IH  上证当月连续        NaT     None
3    future_cffex_T   future_cffex_T        NaT      future    cffex    T  十债当季连续        NaT     None
4   future_cffex_TF  future_cffex_TF        NaT      future    cffex   TF  五债当季连续        NaT     None
..              ...              ...        ...         ...      ...  ...     ...        ...      ...
65    future_ine_LU    future_ine_LU 2020-06-22      future      ine   LU  低硫燃油主力 2020-06-22     None
66   future_czce_PF   future_czce_PF 2020-10-12      future     czce   PF    短纤主力 2020-10-12     None
67    future_ine_BC    future_ine_BC 2020-11-19      future      ine   BC   国际铜主力 2020-11-19     None
68    future_dce_LH    future_dce_LH 2021-01-08      future      dce   LH    生猪主力 2021-01-08     None
69   future_czce_PK   future_czce_PK 2021-02-01      future     czce   PK    花生主力 2021-02-01     None

[70 rows x 9 columns]

Fetch the quotes:

>>> from zvt.domain import Future1dKdata
>>> Future1dKdata.record_data(code="CU")
>>> df = Future1dKdata.query_data(code="CU")
>>> print(df)

                             id       entity_id  timestamp provider code  name level     open    close     high      low    volume      turnover  change_pct  turnover_rate interest settlement change_pct1
0     future_shfe_CU_1996-04-03  future_shfe_CU 1996-04-03       em   CU  沪铜主力    1d  22930.0  22840.0  23000.0  22840.0     353.0  0.000000e+00      0.0000            0.0     None       None        None
1     future_shfe_CU_1996-04-04  future_shfe_CU 1996-04-04       em   CU  沪铜主力    1d  22700.0  22750.0  22820.0  22650.0     251.0  0.000000e+00     -0.0039            0.0     None       None        None
2     future_shfe_CU_1996-04-05  future_shfe_CU 1996-04-05       em   CU  沪铜主力    1d  22520.0  22780.0  22820.0  22500.0     298.0  0.000000e+00      0.0013            0.0     None       None        None
3     future_shfe_CU_1996-04-08  future_shfe_CU 1996-04-08       em   CU  沪铜主力    1d  22660.0  22650.0  22680.0  22600.0      98.0  0.000000e+00     -0.0057            0.0     None       None        None
4     future_shfe_CU_1996-04-09  future_shfe_CU 1996-04-09       em   CU  沪铜主力    1d  22830.0  22810.0  22860.0  22810.0      56.0  0.000000e+00      0.0071            0.0     None       None        None
...                         ...             ...        ...      ...  ...   ...   ...      ...      ...      ...      ...       ...           ...         ...            ...      ...        ...         ...
6343  future_shfe_CU_2022-04-21  future_shfe_CU 2022-04-21       em   CU  沪铜主力    1d  74140.0  74480.0  74750.0  74140.0   48008.0  1.787678e+10     -0.0004            0.0     None       None        None
6344  future_shfe_CU_2022-04-22  future_shfe_CU 2022-04-22       em   CU  沪铜主力    1d  74800.0  75010.0  75200.0  74690.0   58874.0  2.205633e+10      0.0073            0.0     None       None        None
6345  future_shfe_CU_2022-04-25  future_shfe_CU 2022-04-25       em   CU  沪铜主力    1d  74900.0  73660.0  75190.0  73660.0  107455.0  3.989090e+10     -0.0168            0.0     None       None        None
6346  future_shfe_CU_2022-04-26  future_shfe_CU 2022-04-26       em   CU  沪铜主力    1d  73170.0  73260.0  73750.0  72500.0  113019.0  4.130931e+10     -0.0132            0.0     None       None        None
6347  future_shfe_CU_2022-04-27  future_shfe_CU 2022-04-27       em   CU  沪铜主力    1d  72990.0  73100.0  73560.0  72910.0   61563.0  2.254089e+10      0.0000            0.0     None       None        None

[6348 rows x 18 columns]